Different things happen with us on significant timings decided by the one who created us, He the creator, we all though are in circles, moving round and round, intersecting with others, we all walk from one circle to another with out leaving the axis (boundaries) this is how when we reach to North pole from South one other one find himself/ herself on the South one walked from South one..
4 blogger feels ..:
thats an interesting thought... makes me wanna see how far am now :P
Deep....pretty interesting thoughts....so how many circles do ya think u hav intersected by now????
nd did u njoy da intersections....
Me in dunno....I wld luv to stay at da poles.....6 months of dark nights nd an equal number of bright days! :)
:) me still thinking ..
I am njoying the inetrsection yet its uncontable how many i hav intersected.. will tell you the details..
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