A broad smile touches my lips, due to excitement I had in my mind, life and heart. Finally I am getting a Job , tomorrow is the day, my day, a day for which I have been waiting since quite a long time. After tomorrow I will be able to smile like sun shines, I will be able to feel the beauty of moon. By tomorrow I will friends with stars again. I close my eyes but who wants to fallen sleep and fantasize, when reality itself is much more beautiful then dreams.
It was surely not the first day but after very long time I watched sun waking up , stretching its rays all over the part of Earth facing the sun. After very long I said goodbye to sleepy moon, moon was tired as we both were awaken all night together but one was fresh other was tired. I yawn and got my best outfit out, took my favorite shoes, glossed my lips, lined my eyes with coal and hurried off. My stomach was having butterflies in it. A smile hit my lips as I sat in my car. With in 20 minutes we were at our designation but these 20 minutes were the hardest one. I always was aware of the fact that I am impatient person but today I was sure of this. Rushing inside I saw a list , my heart raced fast, hands trembled and I felt hard to lift myself forward. Nervously I move ahead though I was very much confident that nobody can saw NO to me when it comes to this profession as I am just not good but far more better then other willing candidates here. I took a deep breath and search the list, searching from one page to another a glimpse of darkness touched my heart as I couldn't find my name anywhere. I went to the office and when I ask the receptionist there she told me the worst word that my ears ever heard. She said I was not selected because I couldn't pass the interview. I ask her to call the manager their as he was the person who called me yesterday and gave me the news that I was selected . I met him and in the very normal tone I asked him why he called me when I was not even selected, he asked my name and said he is very sorry as what he did was a complete mistake. My heart stopped working or it was just a feeling, I was numb and with glasses on my face covering my black teary eyes I rushed back to my car. On the journey back home I saw my mobile lightening a number of times but couldn’t hear anything. As I reach home I asked my driver to leave, with a spare key I entered the house as quietly as I could. I placed a note on my refrigerator saying what I want them to know;
I climbed up the stairs, reached my room and slowly I dialed an international number though I know she was far away from me but with this I also knew one thing more. If anyone else could understand was I was going through was definitely her. Knowing that the time zones are way too different I kept a secret hope that she will respond and she did. Hearing her saying ‘HELLO’ my heart pumped back hard and I could only say this;
‘ Mama I lost ‘ I broke down as if I never could be joined back. As if somebody pushed me from stairs of 100 steps. I felt I am shattered, noises were wild in me as they are when a glass collides with floor. Yes! once again the flavor of life changed.
- illusiOn~
4 blogger feels ..:
many things are there that can be fixed once broken, yet can't be the same again! our hearts are one of them, but the thing is, once fixed, we can try to make it better than b4 and it is possible too! :)
good post Insi :) welcome back!
this is all about it only.. you just conclud it a bit early tahts sit... hope together we will cherish these moments..
Am sure its nostalgic fr u....painfully nostalgic mebbe.....bt its a phase we must live again and again eve if we dont want to!
I can only make sympathetic guesses at what you must hav gone thru! Coz even when evry1 faces sum or da oder hurt in der lives still every incidence has its own pain nd can b understood only by the person who has borne it!
am glad u gt back from where u wer! tc! :)
True but its important for all of us to know ones feeling as you never know how and when your loved ones may fall down to this tunnel..
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