I was young when I used to see my elders a little sad while burning some letters, papers or a note I always wonder why being sad when you are tearing them yourself. Time passed away leaving so many ‘ why’s, what’s ’ for me. Last night while burning all those memories of you, having tears in my eyes explained me its not words on those papers that makes you cry but the immense feelings attached. Why burning of papers when you can never burn up the memories attached.
Epic College Love Stories – 5: Sayoni beckons
4 months ago
8 blogger feels ..:
Sigh...I know this feeling...Just did it two days back...we try to feel detached when in reality its just the other way round completely..
sadly true!
I didn't burn anything...coz I hav no way to get rid of memories...they will haunt me...now and beyond...just waiting to find a way to end this.
nicely written...got your point across beautifully...tc!
@ tweety, maryum and maverick!
I wish too not to get haunted by them but I get ... each time i plan not to think about anything but I fail...
Nice blog :) I love it :D
Sigh i so know the feeling ...
a pretty blog ,very interesting!!!
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