Saturday, December 12, 2009


Saturday, December 12, 2009


I did it again. I screwed things and then I behave even more aggressively. I don't know how to control things and get over them. I just cant forget what happened or I may say that I am discontent. I want to show contentment but I am unable to. I really what I am going through. And what makes it worst is the behaviour of my surroundings. I know I am complaining as this the only thing right now I can do.. I dont know man though I want to have a solution.
Anyways I am planning to go to a Book Fair [ I am writing this all late night so wont be able to write tomorrow na] Any how its the 5th International Book Fair I hope I will be able to grab some pictures.

- illusiOn ~

2 blogger feels ..:

Haris Gulzar

I'd say, doing the only thing one can do, and doing it well, is the real success. And can always pray, and pray from true heart for whatever he/she wants and stay hopeful for that pray to be accepted. Sticking with hope and having faith can definitely take a person to success...

And it seems that you have an interest in collecting books is it?

I Zaydi

Yes.. not only collecting but reading.. My mother she hates me for this because according it made me much matured then I should be at this stage ..

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